Friday, April 1, 2011

Take Responsibility, own it.

Well, it is that time of year again. No, not April Fools, just a coincidence. Now, many will feel this is an unwarranted post, but I operate by a different set of standards. I have always been taught that if you are in the wrong.....take responsibility, own it.

Flash back to NWA 2010. I made very poor judgement call and instigated an attack during a pee break. This was due to the lack of my communication with others. As you would imagine, I made many people angry, rightfully so. Fortunately, my compatriots accepted my apology and ignorance, and we moved forward. Learning that lesson wasn't pleasant but needed.

Now, we come to NWA 2011. Again, my lack of communication causes more problems, which were completely my fault. If you are in a break, your position within the race needs to be communicated to other competitors; obviously you don't give out your team's game plan. You just let people know your job within the race very early in the break, so no one wastes unneeded energy. I failed here and am truly sorry. Another mistake I made is a misinterpretation of racing tactics. The problem here is I shared my misinterpretation with my teammates, which being the great guys they are, defended me. That was my fault and I take the ownership of it.

I know many will disagree with this, but I have always been one to go against the flow. Just look at the upper body mass I carry as compared to other cyclists as an example.

Ride safe and feel free to email me with any comments at


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