Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Bicycle Belt

After a quick workout Tuesday night, I found myself at the Quail Springs United Methodist Church explaining to some very young minds the importance of bike safety. These Cub Scouts were working on achieving their Bicycling Belt Loop and part of the requirements were to have an open discussion pertaining to safety while on the bicycle. Questions ranged from, “What do you do if you ride into a tree?” to “Can I mount an umbrella on my bike to block the sun?” and my favorite of the night, “Do you drink water if it is 200 degrees outside, like in Texas?”

You can never start too early with children in regards to proper safety. Too many adults are out there oblivious to the example they are setting when they are breaking the laws/rules of safe cycling and the bad part is that their children are watching & learning. DNA Racing has made a commitment to inform and educate our community at the youngest levels to ensure a better, more respectable, two wheel lifestyle.

See you on the road,

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